Vision: We envision a world where it is true that everyone experiences wellbeing.
Mission: We work together to co-create personal, community, and global wellbeing.
Aims: We work to fulfill our vision and mission:
- By bringing together individuals, organizations and businesses from diverse social and economic groups who participate in in-person and on-line gatherings and activities dedicated to the co-creation of a world of wellbeing for all.
- By implementing decentralized, participatory, egalitarian and transparent organizational structures and processes in order to support the mutualistic and cohesive functioning of the WellBeing Cooperative Community.
- To bring together individuals, organizations and businesses from diverse social and economic groups who participate in co-creating a world of wellbeing for all.
- To build community through nonviolent communication, conciliatory relationships and cooperative decision-making.
- To nurture lasting friendships, co-creative partnerships and the experience of belonging.
- To generate in-person gatherings and a virtual platform to facilitate the formation of integrative wellness and healthcare circles, support circles, interest circles, and action circles.
- To promote decentralized agendas and activities.
- To implement participatory meeting procedures and transparent record keeping.
- To emphasize manifestation through group action.
- To establish egalitarian member ownership and governance of the Cooperative.
- To assure that how we do what we are doing is as important as what we are doing.
- To maintain communication with and information about the member circles’ activities and reporting them periodically to the whole of the WellBeing Community Cooperative (WCC) membership, to relevant persons and organizations beyond our membership, and to the public at large.